Adding a Custom Chart

The following documentation assumes that you have good understanding of angular and rxjs.

The concepts required to understand the following example are:

Extension framework setup

This guide assumes that you have already setup the front extension on your local environment

For information on how to setup the frontend extension framework see the Setup guide here

Example of Chart Metadata Configuration

Charts are a type of Insight that can be added to any sidebar widget using metadata configuration. This configuration can be added to the listviewdefs or detaiviewdefs of the module you want to add it to.

At the moment there are only 3 chart types available to use:

  • horizontal-bar

  • pie-grid

  • vertical-bar

Other chart types will be added in the future. It is also possible to implement your own custom char type. Towards the end of this page you’ll find documentation on it.

The following code snippet takes an example from the Accounts module listviewdefs configuration. For more examples of configurations you can look at:

  • public/legacy/modules/Accounts/metadata/listviewdefs.php

  • public/legacy/modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

  • public/legacy/modules/Leads/metadata/listviewdefs.php

  • public/legacy/modules/Opportunities/metadata/listviewdefs.php



$viewdefs['Opportunities'] = [
    'ListView' =>  [
        'sidebarWidgets' => [
            'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price' => [
                'type' => 'chart',
                'labelKey' => 'LBL_QUICK_CHARTS',
                'options' => [
                    'toggle' => true,
                    'headerTitle' => false,
                    'charts' => [
                            'chartKey' => 'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price',
                            'chartType' => 'horizontal-bar',
                            'statisticsType' => 'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price',
                            'labelKey' => 'PIPELINE_BY_SALES_STAGE',
                            'chartOptions' => [
                'acls' => [
                    'Opportunities' => ['view', 'list']

From the example above we can see that charts have different options when configuring. Within the options array, we can see that it then displays toggle, this is to show the dropdown with the name of the chart and also allow changing between charts. You may also see within the options array there is another array called charts. Within this array there is; chartKey, chartType, statisticsType, labelKey and chartOptions.

Some of these are simple in meaning. chartKey is just the name given to the chart to make it individual, 'chartType' is they type of chart you would like to display. Some other options for this would include: pie-grid-chart, line-chart, vertical-bar-chart and base-chart. labelKey is also just the label shown within the chart.

The statisticsType option, this is how each chart gets it’s data, you are able to see each statistic file within the

core/modules/<module> directory, this key links to a specific service within the statistics API.

How to add a custom chart type

As mentioned in the previous section it is possible to add new chart types to be used on the sidebarWidget metadata configuration.

This section explains how to add a new chart type.

Please ensure you have set up your front-end installation correctly by following the guide here.

To render the charts SuiteCRM is using the ngx-charts library. If you would like to see this documentation more in depth and how to use it and what other options you may have when implementing your own charts please see here.

To follow along with the example used please follow the steps below:

First within our extensions/<service>/Resources/app/src/services, you should create a new folder called charts if there is not one there already.

Within this charts folder then create another folder called horizontal-bar-chart.

Component html file

Following the example above, moving on to the .html file. horizontal-bar-chart.component.html

<div *ngIf="results && results.length > 0">

From the example above we can see that there’s an if statement within the .html file and this just indicates that as long as there is a result from the statistics file to show everything correctly.

Below that we can see all the options for the chart. This is where the values of the variables set earlier are given value.

When creating your own chart you will be able to set your own options.

Module TypeScript File

Below we will be adding in the final file, the horizontal-bar-chart.module.ts.

import {Component, ElementRef, OnDestroy, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {isFalse, SingleSeries} from 'common';
import {Subscription} from 'rxjs';
import {BaseChartComponent} from 'core';

    selector: 'scrm-horizontal-bar-chart',
    templateUrl: './horizontal-bar-chart.component.html',
    styleUrls: []
export class HorizontalBarChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    results: SingleSeries = [];
    protected subs: Subscription[] = [];

    constructor(protected elementRef: ElementRef) {

    ngOnInit(): void {
        if (this.dataSource.options.height) {
            this.height = this.dataSource.options.height;


        this.subs.push(this.dataSource.getResults().subscribe(value => {
            this.results = value.singleSeries || [];

    ngOnDestroy(): void {
        this.subs.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());

    get scheme(): string {
        return this.dataSource.options.scheme || 'picnic';

    get gradient(): boolean {
        return this.dataSource.options.gradient || false;

    get xAxis(): boolean {
        return this.dataSource.options.xAxis || false;

    get yAxis(): boolean {
        return !isFalse(this.dataSource.options.yAxis);

    get legend(): boolean {
        return !isFalse(this.dataSource.options.legend);

    get showXAxisLabel(): boolean {
        return this.dataSource.options.showXAxisLabel || false;

    get showYAxisLabel(): boolean {
        return this.dataSource.options.showYAxisLabel || false;

    get xAxisLabel(): string {
        return this.dataSource.options.xAxisLabel || '';

    get yAxisLabel(): string {
        return this.dataSource.options.yAxisLabel || '';

    get xAxisTickFormatting(): Function {
        if (this.dataSource.options.xAxisTickFormatting) {
            return this.dataSource.tickFormatting;
        return null;

    formatTooltipValue(value: any): any {
        if (!this.dataSource || !this.dataSource.options || !this.dataSource.options.tooltipFormatting) {
            return value;
        return this.dataSource.options.tooltipFormatting(value);

Within this file you will see the Component called HorizontalBarChartComponent this is extending BaseChartComponent. When creating a new chart you will always have to extend the BaseChartComponent. The reasoning behind this is because of the ChartRegistry. It will provide functionality common to all chart components. BaseChartComponent also serves as the base type for extensibility , the ChartRegistry only knows how to work with BaseChartComponent types.

Above we can also see all the functions that will be returning all the options that were specified within the html file.

Module TypeScript File

The first to create is the .ts file.

As we can see from the example below, the this works like a regular angular module, where we will declare our component and import the components we need.

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
import {NgxChartsModule} from '@swimlane/ngx-charts';
import {HorizontalBarChartComponent} from './horizontal-bar-chart.component';
import {BaseChartModule} from 'core';

    declarations: [HorizontalBarChartComponent],
    exports: [HorizontalBarChartComponent],
    imports: [
export class HorizontalBarChartModule {

Registering a chart

The only thing left to do now that we have added all the files for the chart is to register it.

When going through the front end extension setup, the file extension.module.ts should have been added.

This is where we are going to register our newly built chart.

Within the extension.module.ts there’s a few things that need added:

Within the import {<Imports>} from 'core', this is where the ChartRegistry should be added. This should be at the start of the file.

Below that is then where the component and module should be imported:

import {HorizontalBarChartComponent} from './charts/horizontal-bar-chart/horizontal-bar-chart.component';
import {HorizontalBarChartModule} from './charts/horizontal-bar-chart/horizontal-bar-chart.module';

The HorizontalBarChartModule should then be added to the imports under the declarations.

Within the constructor of the created Extension Module, ChartRegistry should be added:

protected chartRegistry: ChartRegistry

Finally within the body of the class this is where you would register the chart:

chartRegistry.register('default', 'horizontal-bar' , HorizontalBarChartComponent);

An example of this file would be:

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
import {
} from 'core';

import {HorizontalBarChartComponent} from './charts/horizontal-bar-chart/horizontal-bar-chart.component';
import {HorizontalBarChartModule} from './charts/horizontal-bar-chart/horizontal-bar-chart.module';

    declarations: [
    imports: [
export class ExtensionModule {
        protected chartRegistry: ChartRegistry
    ) {
        chartRegistry.register('default', 'horizontal-bar' , HorizontalBarChartComponent);

    init(): void {

The following is an example if the configuration of how to add the charts on the view definitions



$viewdefs['Opportunities'] = [
    'ListView' =>  [
        'sidebarWidgets' => [
            'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price' => [
                'type' => 'chart',
                'labelKey' => 'LBL_QUICK_CHARTS',
                'options' => [
                    'toggle' => true,
                    'headerTitle' => false,
                    'charts' => [
                            'chartKey' => 'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price',
                            'chartType' => 'horizontal-bar',
                            'statisticsType' => 'opportunities-by-sales-stage-price',
                            'labelKey' => 'PIPELINE_BY_SALES_STAGE',
                            'chartOptions' => [
                'acls' => [
                    'Opportunities' => ['view', 'list']

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