Released Dec 31, 2016
Security Issue #2831 - PHPMailer Security Issue CVE-2016-10045
#2846 User Access sub-panel - missing module name labels on table fixed
#2842 Access tab does not work in USERS module(detailView)
#2438 Disable Inline Edit for Line Items
#2761 Can Not Select Resources For Project Template
#2031 autocompletion of contact field doesn’t work in migration process from lead to contact
#99 Issue with apostrophes in search
#126 AOS_PDF_Templates templateParser guesses the field type
#758 Accessing static property ImportFieldSanitize::$createdBeans as non static
#2751 Outbound Email Via Campaigns Can Fail
#2718 Git Repo causes issues on Windows
#2642 changed line 63 to make sure that it applies special formatting if the type of $field_def is dynamicenum
#573 Inline editing - Workflow
#2445 AOS_Quotes and AOS_Invoices have some empty language values
#2119 Renamed AOW_Workflow.svg to AOW_WorkFlow.svg
Missing Security Group Check in AOW
Clear Opcache in PHP7
Undefined parent_category_id on Import
Cases module - Missing string LBL_CONTACT_CREATED_BY
Line breaks between words
Add labels to the fields in Add dashlet - Web Tab
ISO4217 code for Mexican Peso from MXM to MXN.
This release addresses an Important Security Issue and addresses many other Issues. Users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.7.9 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks to gunnicom and sk1p for notifying us of the security issue.
Released Nov 16, 2016
#826 Fixed 826 - Deleted favorite records still appear in menu
#2153 Images in PDFs not showing
#1700 AOR Report Dashlet date parameters wont work
#2221 Restrict Reports based on Target Module
#2611 Fixed #2611 Unused language strings (History)
#2293 Fixed #2293 - Dashlet Header Edit, Refresh, Delete links are not accessible by screen readers
#2413 Wrong API key max length
#2592 fixed - #2592 Unused language strings (FP_events)
#2591 fixed - #2591 Unused language strings (Delegates)
#2590 fixed - #2590 Unused language strings (Employees)
#2582 fixed - #2582 Unused language strings (Emails)
#2584 Fixed #2584 Reminder Email Displays HTML Tags
#2581 Fixed #2581 Module filter on select field shows no results
#1242 Fixed #1242 History Due Dates shown in Red
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Nov 7, 2016
Fixed Security Issues - Additional Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in InboundEmail
#1918 Fixed #1918 - Translation issues. Duplicated lang. strings in ver. 7.7
#2479 Fixed #2479 - Dashlet pagination issue (Suite7 & SuiteR)
#2510 Fixed #2510 - fix default reminder invitees for meetings
#2453 Fixed #2453 - Set top nav search bgcolor in FF
Fixed search for mobile/tablet
Fixed Db Error On Subquery Search
Add Option to disable Self Referencing on Many 2 Many Relationship
Fixed Issue with Non Standard database name
Fixed retrieve Dashlet
Fixed Time Field Edit View
Code Clean up
Remove extra select box line from Inbound Email html listview
Apply styled Additional Details for Calendar
This release addresses Important Security Issues and addresses many other Issues. Users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.7.7 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks for Egidio Romano for notifying us of these security issues.
Released Oct 19, 2016
Fixed Security Issues - Stored PHP Object Injection Within User Preferences
Fixed Security Issues - Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in InboundEmail
#2430 Fixed #2430 - global search autofilled background colour
#2215 Fixed Case insensitive duplicate images
#2166 Fixed Links don’t work in grouped Reports
#2370 Fixed Cannot add Dashlet to Dashboard in Suite7/R Theme
#2338 Fixed EditView 'Save and Continue' Button Floating on Mobile and Small Screens
#1876 Fixed Knowledgebase Suggestions in MSSQL
#2238 Fixed Revert Invalid field type change on Line Items
#2402 Fixed Mass Update Dropdowns
#2355 Fixed Suite 7 theme table width
#543 Fixed #543 -inline editing on text area - cannot create line breaks
#282 Fixed Cases DetailView 'Description' displays Raw HTML
Fixed Campaign Email Record Graph dropdown displays undefined label
Fixed pipeline dashlet popup and calendar popup
Fixed Missing Drill Down Calendar Functionality
Fixed Public folder Permissions as Octal
Plus several SuiteP theme Fixes
This release addresses Important Security Issues and addresses many other Issues. Users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.7.6 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks for Egidio Romano for notifying us of these security issues.
Released Sep 28, 2016
Updates a Security vulnerability with Serialized Input, to prevent possible object,file, beans and SQL injection attacks
#2261 Fixed #2261 Campaign subpanels not paginating
# Fix Group Reports by Date
#2204 Fixed #2204 - Duplicate error code in SOUP / REST response (#2206)
#581 Fixed #581 - Activitystream reply font-size (#2316)
#958 Fixed #958 - Ctrl click (open in new tab) does not work in detailview and listview (#2314)
#866 Fixed #866 - Duplicated string - Include - case_status_default_key (#2312)
#456 Fixed #456 - No htlm editor in Email / Settings / Signature (#2300)
# Fixed - Missing icons for custom modules (#2148)
# Added dialog in the calendar module for tasks. (#2202)
#2225 Fixed #2225 - My-activity-stream-options-generates-error (#2230)
# User Profile On Save - incorrect tab displayed when Email is missing - task 210 (#2232)
#2142 Fixed #2142 Reports Update button css is missing
#2233 Fixed #2233 - Photo field in Users module incorrect in layout (#2234)
#1942 Fixed #1942, task 238 - margin added to buttons (#2226)
#1849 Fixed #1849 - Quick edit sends AJAX request via GET (#2021)
#2154 Fixed #2154 - Unable to duplicate Project (#2155)
#2196 Fix #2196 - chart dashlet not drawn when there is a single element (#2197)
#2177 Fixes #2177 - Global Search Issue (#2178)
#1591 Fixed #1591 - Redefinition of parameter $fieldRequired (#1989)
#2164 Fixed #2164 - Assignment Notification Repetitive/Arbitrary due to Project.php code (#2169)
#2128 Fixed #2128 - Footer Licence popups Missing in SuiteP (#2143)
#1772 Bugfix 1772 - Not Translatable labels (#1961)
#1915 Fixed#1915 - Menu ACTIONS its not translatable - SuiteP (#1951)
#2061 responsive theme 'next page' button when multiple 'my cases' exist (SuiteR)
#2035 Fixed #2035 CSV Export of reports didn’t carry out currency calculations (#2059)
#1559 Fixed #1559. Deleting a contact from a meeting doesn’t call the appropriate logic hook (#2056)
#2101 fixed #2101 - Bad html link to site(record information dialogbox) (#2104)
#2094 Fixed #2094 iCal now export VTODO and no VEVENT (#2098)
#2105 Fixed - dropdown style in firefox (#2105)
#2049 7.7.2 - Calendar Activities are off by 1 day
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks for Egidio Romano for notifying us of this security update.
Released Aug 31, 2016
SuiteCRM 7.7.4 features bug fixes for dropdown editor (browser specific), dashlets, calendar, studio layout updates and improve styling on top bar for non module filter settings.
# Adding Favourites styling - Removing yellow background for recent edit
#2052 Problem with "Repair JS Files" and Calendar
#442 Dashboard inside Dashboard - Double clicking Column Heading on Dashlet
#791 Fixed 791 Conversion of Quotes to PDF not show 0 in right side.
#971 Converted contact activity doesn’t appear in Calendar
#1958 editview layout does not change using module builder on suitecrm 7.7
# Fix calendar ignoring initial default values
#1958 Fixed #1958 - Clear tpl cache on a per theme basis.
#1967 Basic and Advanced Layout improvement
#2051 Dropdown editor broken
# Missing icon from Document Revisions sub panel
# Dashlet Paginations functionally
# Improved Top Menu bar styling for smaller screens and with Module Filter Settings switched off.
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Aug 26, 2016
SuiteCRM 7.7.3 includes a fix due to a regression issue with basic search, this release also includes PHP 5.3 for Spots modules, fix the ability to drag Dashlets to multi column Dashboards and have collapsible subpanels system setting.
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Aug 23, 2016
SuiteCRM 7.7.2 features bug fixes for calendar, php7, MSSQL upgrades and improves Theme SuiteP UI and functionality
#1944 Fixed 1944 Studio - Add relationship - Allows to create unwanted relationship duplicates
#1960 Fixed 1960 Calendar Settings are not working as desired
#1923 Fixed 1923 7.7.1 SuiteP missing icons
#1938 Fixed 1938 Calendar issues with Day, Week & Month views on 7.7.1
#1943 Fixed 1943 Theme Suite P - Configure Module Menu Filters not working
#1558 Fixed 1558 7.6.4 - AOR - If row has "Link" checked, the ID is missing from the link
#1878 Fixed 1878 Suite P theme Tab/Panel (Edit/Detail View) Major Issues
#1922 Fixed 1922 mssql column escape/Quote MSSQL column names when creating tables
#1931 Fixed SuiteP Edit/Detail view issue with one field per row (task 229 issue #1931)
#1903 Fixed #1903 - Unable to load Calendar in PHP5.3
#1749 Fixed #1749 Inline editing does’t work correct with dropdowns and currency fields
#1883 Fixed typo resulting in incorrect executing time delta
# Download notes bug
#1945 Fixed #1945, fix for task 240 'Drop Down Editor is not functioning'
#1928 Fixed #1928 - restyling the email settings dialog box.
#1854 Fixed #1854 - Fixed events → delegates subpanel
# spots ui bug on php7 fixed (tast 221 / forum 10494)
# SuiteP footer position fixed (Fix for task 212)
#1949 Fixed style of * for required fields.
#1939 Fixed #1939 Calendar Fatal error on tasks without Due date
#1029 Fixed #1029 - prevent user from adding or editing field if the fields name already exists. This fix also works for custom fields.
# Fixed - user names in the calendar titles
#1911 Fixed #1911 - Removing title case in the style.css
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Aug 11, 2016
SuiteCRM 7.7.1 features bug fixes, improves Theme SuiteP UI and functionality
Fixed notices - undefined value $loc
Fixed notices - incorrect label values in menu def
#1826 Fixed #1826 7.7RC2 Case Updates not displayed
Fixed User Edit Button fixed
Fixed - Create Person form css for SuiteP
#1662 Fixed #1662 - remove aor_sql_operator_list values from language files
#1817 Fixed #1817 Subpanel Tabs.
Tidy up User Wizard for new users
#1862 fix for task 196 - SuiteP Theme – User Profile, All options on one screen (Regardless of Current Tab)
Adding missing calendar icon for the dashlet
Fixed Regular Users viewing Calendar and Activities
Fix for Role Edit Button
Fixed Screen freezes add a Project Task via Projects (css issue)
Remove Colour selector/picker for SuiteP
#1861 Fixed #1861 Upgrading from 7.3.x can cause crm to run slow
Fixed hide_subpanels config option with SuiteP
#1874 Fixed #1874 - Missing view icon in view events menu item
#1867 Fixed #1867 - Making the quick create menu translatable.
#1850 Fixed #1850 - Adding the missing icon for the activites dashlet
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Aug 2, 2016
Includes SugarCRM 6.5.24
SuiteP Theme - We want SuiteCRM 7.7 to be something special this Summer. Packed with new and improved features and an amazing new UI, it will transform the way you view SuiteCRM.
Analytic Reporting Tool - "SuiteSpots" - Using Drag and Drop functionality you can create in depth Pivot Tables and charts using your customer data.
Module Group Selection upon Installation Configurations - When installing you can choose which groups of modules you wish to include as default. This will give users the choice of how what they feel they need from the word go.
Updated Silent Installer
New Calendar library
New Search filter for Event Delegates subpanel
Improved Project and Project Templates functionality
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks for adminibt for notifying us of this security update.
Released Jul 26, 2016
This is a release candidate release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.7 Release Candidate 2 is to introduce our new theme SuiteP (SuitePea).
Further adding to the SuiteP theme
Improvements in Project Templates and Projects functionality
Introducing Business Hours Module
Search Filter by Events Delegates
Bug fixes for Email Assignment notifications, Pipeline By Sales Stage Dashlet, and more.
Released Jul 18, 2016
This is a release candidate release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.7 Release Candidate is to introduce our new theme SuiteP (SuitePea).
Released Jun 27, 2016
This is a beta release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.7 beta 2 is to introduce our new theme SuiteP (SuitePea).
Fixes for Campaigns, Sending Emails and other bugs.
Released Jun 15, 2016
This is a beta release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.7 is to introduce our new Analytical Reporting Tool - SuiteSpots, and provide more options upon installing SuiteCRM.
The first Beta release includes enhancements to the following:
New Analytic Reporting Tool - SuiteSpots - Using Drag and Drop functionality you can create in depth Pivot Tables and charts using your customer data.
New Module Group Selection upon installation Configurations - When installing you can choose which groups of modules you wish to include as default. This will give users the choice of what modules they need from the word go.
Fixes for Campaigns, Calls/Meetings Reminders and other bugs
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.