7.13.x Releases


Released 11/07/2023

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 10045 - Codeception testing compatibility changes

  • PR: 10097 - Fix AOP Config not saving

  • PR: 10055 - Fix #9548 - Wrong decimal precision returned in a Modify Record workflow action

  • PR: 9938 - Fix #9937 - Resolve high memory usage when performing bulk relationship changes

  • PR: 10072 - Fix #10034 - Email Listview doesn’t render, so no Emails are visible

  • PR: 8683 - Fix #8682 - Workflow fails with relationship condition

  • PR: 10067 - Fix #10047 - Tasks due date not saving

  • PR: 10098 - Fix #10091 - login parameter failing

  • PR: 10071 - Fix #10035 - Monitered Folders are not selectable for Basic Auth Accounts

  • PR: 10051 - Add better description of what is being removed during module installation for ACLs

  • PR: 10050 - Add missing language definitions for the module loader

  • PR: #9816 - Item element getting called incorrectly

  • PR: 10024 - Fix #9601 - Fix bug where report conditions parenthesis pairs would not save correctly

  • PR: 10044 - Fix 10029 - Issues changing dashlets name

  • PR: 9983 - Fix #9516 - getRelatedId returns null instead of a string

  • PR: 9657 - Fix 9654 - different date formats being compared for change log

  • PR: 10036 - Fix #10033 - PHP Fatal error Uncaught TypeError PHP8


Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com


Released 24/04/2023

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 9965 - Fix #9965 - Upgrade league/oauth2-server to latest version

  • PR: 9974 - Fix #9974 - Email OAuth Saving with no type

  • PR: 9542 - Fix #9542 - PHP8 null values

  • PR: 9812 - Fix #9812 - Decimal number calculations

  • PR: 9817 - Fix #9817 - A typo in Campaign Trackers

  • PR: 9828 - Fix #9828 - $mod_strings was not initiated

  • PR: 9849 - Fix #9849 - allowed_preview is defined twice

  • PR: 9642 - Fix #9602 - ProspectLists save function has a duplication issue

  • PR: 9559 - Fix #7759, #8273 - Double Compose button in subpanels

  • PR: 10010 - Fix #10009 - Cannot configure Module Menu Filters on PHP8+

  • PR: 9325 - Fix #9153 - Adding dynamicenum case option for export

  • PR: 9329 - Fix #8897 - Adding missing relationship for SurveyResponses module

  • PR: 9471 - Fix #9470 - Set fdow in Calendar popup date selector for range search and MassUpdate

  • PR: 9520 - Fix #9326 - Adding decimal and float case option for export

  • PR: 9528 - Fix #9476 - Mass assign security groups only assigns selected on current page

  • PR: 9622 - Fix #9621 - Workflows Calculate Field Actions don’t translate dynamicenum fields

  • PR: 9765 - Fix #9764 - Add extra To addresses to CC field

  • PR: 9777 - Fix #9768 - Do not convert link URLs in TinyMCE

  • PR: 9784 - Fix #9783 - Compose view quick search for email templates

  • PR: 9787 - Fix #9780 - New User Group Popup. Popup does not show after creating a user

  • PR: 9876 - Fix #9875 - SugarFeed shows 0 seconds ago and negative interval for certain datetime formats

  • PR: 9903 - Fix #9902 - Workflow - Some Date calculations fail with certain formats


Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com


Released 02/03/2023

Release Notes


  • CVE: Pending - RCE Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Stored XSS Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Stored XSS Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - SSRF Vulnerability

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 9666 - Fix #9665 - Set unique id for "Reset module" button in studio

  • PR: 9742 - Fix Closing count bracket before relational operator PHP 8.0 count throwing TypeError

  • PR: 9751 - Fix #9750 - Receive related parameters of type dynamicenum in workflow formulas

  • PR: 9796 - Fix #4646 - Hard coded messages in Surveys module

  • PR: 9836 - Fix #9835 - Case Updates save bug

  • PR: 9872 - Fix #9871 - Javascript message error when bulk updating all user records

  • PR: 9874 - Fix #9873 - Plesk php.ini disable_functions = opcache_get_status

  • PR: 9882 - Fix OPCache install module copy action

  • PR: 9884 - Fix #9883 - Security Groups do not work with modules whose name exceeds 36 characters.

  • PR: 9910 - Fix #9909 - Default empty item when creating a new Dropdown field

  • PR: 9914 - Close #9914 - Update dashboard.scss for dashlet options overflow

  • PR: 9955 - Fix #9926 - Add missing check on product image upload

  • PR: 9901 - Fix #9900 - Conditions doesn’t recognize some of the characters set

  • PR: 9954 - Fix Campaign Parenthesis

  • PR: 9813 - Fix #9344 - Error in Browsers console after adding tabs to Quickcreate: function selectTabOnError


Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Special thanks to everyone who reported the security issues addressed in this release!

Nico Weidmann(SAP Security Research), Rustam Komildzhonov and Ilja Bulatov

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com


Released 25/01/2023

Release Notes


  • SuiteCRM 7.13.1 now has an updated Email Compose From dropdown. This includes some styling and functionality changes. For more information see here.


  • CVE: 2022-45185 - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - SQL Injection

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - Bypass Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Vulnerability: Cross Site Scripting

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 9906 - Fix #9870 - Fix log level in ImapHandlerFactory

  • PR: 9905 - Close #9905 - Update email compose from dropdown

  • PR: 9904 - Fix 9879 - Fix inbound email errors on php 8


Special thanks to everyone who reporting the security issues addressed in this release!

RIOUX Guilhem, Mark Hupperichs, Vautia, Benoit Luquet, crackcat

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com


Released 20/12/2022



  • PR: 9839 - Close #9839 - Add OAuth connection to Inbound emails

  • PR: 9848 - Close #9848 - Add OAuth external providers module

  • PR: 9846 - Close #9846 - Add ACL Access Logic Hook

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 9802 - Close #9802 - Diagnostic Checkbox

  • PR: 9718 - Fix #9717 - Security Suite Group Selector doesn’t appear when duplicating records

  • PR: 9648 - Fix #9646 - Display TinyMCE in Campaigns Form Wizard

  • PR: 9643 - Fix #9574 - Update method to static for module renaming

  • PR: 9500 - Fix 9499 - Add View Survey Responses Menu item

  • PR: 9638 - Close #9683 - Elasticsearch indexing and searching using accented characters

  • PR: 9474 - Fix #9473 - Missing item "Survey" in campainglog_activity_type_dom

  • PR: 9844 - Close #9844 - ElasticSearch Indexing batch error handling

  • PR: 9770 - Fix #9568 - Ignore int len when comparing vardefs in newer MySQL versions

  • PR: 9786 - Close #9786 - Clear caches used by Inline Edition

  • PR: 9671 - Fix #9670 - Disabling the user profile option about notification of assignments does not work

In this release there has been an incredible update to Emails including the following;

Update External OAuth Connection Module

  • Add ExternalOAuthConnection module to allow getting access through OAuth from external providers.

  • Allow setting up Security groups for ExternalOuthConnections Emails.

  • Configure Microsoft connection provider using a configuration similar to the following:

OAuth Microsoft Connection

Updates to Inbound Emails Module

  • Update Inbound Email Views are now identical to other modules.

  • Allow the creation of Personal, Group and Bounce mail accounts through create/edit views.

  • Allow Security Groups to be set for Inbound Emails.

  • Allow the select between basic and oauth connection on Inbound Email create/edit views.

  • Allow selecting an external oauth connection as the connection to use for authenticating in Inbound Emails.

Inbound OAuth Configuration

  • Remove Inbound Email configuration from profile view.

Update Outbound Emails Module

  • Allow creating personal Outbound email accounts through Outbound Email module views.

  • Allow Security Groups to be set for Outbound Emails.

  • Remove Outbond Email configuration from profile view.

Update IMAP connection library | Allow connecting with xoauth

  • Add imap2 lib to handle in order to support xoauth login in imap.

  • Add Imap2Handler to be used to connect to IMAP for Oauth connections.


  • Configure Security Groups for Inbound Email here.

  • Setup a Microsoft OAuth Provider here.

  • Configure Inbound Email with OAuth here.

  • External OAuth Provider Overview here.

Known Issues

  • Issue: #9852 - New "Move to trash" toggle causing Case Updates to not import

  • Issue: #9853 - Case Macro not populated on Upgrade

  • Issue: #9855 - When a personal oauth connection is used for a group inbound email, the emails break

  • Issue: #9856 - Email listview filtering shows blank result if a criteria with multiple words and spaces is added

  • Issue: #9857 - Email listview filtering shows blank result for IMAP keywords criteria

  • Issue: #9854 - Test settings issue after switching between OAuth and Basic Auth

  • Issue: #9858 - Group Inbound Emails distribution_method field is reset when Editing the record again

  • Issue: #9867 - Inbound Email’s "SSL" checkbox does not retain Checked status after Upgrade


Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

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