Downloading & Installing

The following documentation is for SuiteCRM Version 8+; to see documentation on the same topic for Version 7, click here.

1. Setup Web Server

The first step to take is to setup the webserver.

Please go through the Webserver Setup Guide.

2. Downloading and Setting up SuiteCRM

2.1 Checking Compatibility Matrix

Make sure your environment meets system requirements listed in Compatibility matrix

2.2 Downloading the latest SuiteCRM files

Unless you want to setup a development environment, you should download the pre-built installable packages available for download on

2.3 Copy the files to your webserver root

After you download the package

  1. Unzip the pre-build installable package.

  2. Copy the the files to your web server web root.

For apache webserver the web root is usually under /var/www or /var/www/html

Please consider the DocumentRoot you have set on your vhost (if using apache). See Web Server Setup guide - 4. Configuring URL re-writes

Adding the files to the web root is the most typical install method, but you can have different setups, like subdomains and others.

2.4 Set permissions

Set the required permissions

If you are using the terminal you can do this by running:

find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . ! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
chmod +x bin/console

Please have in mind that:

  • The user and group name (in the above example www-data) needs to be replaced by the actual system user and group that your webserver runs under. This varies depending on your operating system. Common web server users are as follows:

    • www-data (Ubuntu Linux/Apache)

    • apache (Linux/Apache)

  • If the group name differs from the username apache is running with, you may need 0664 instead of 0644, and 2775 instead of 2755

2.5 (optional) Creating the database

Depending on your setup, you maybe required to create the database before you go through the install process.

The install process will then create the needed tables.

3. Running the installer

From SuiteCRM version 8 and above you have two ways to run installer.

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