8.6 Releases


Released 10 June 2024

Release Notes


  • We have updated our documentation regarding raising security issues, see more on that here.

  • We have updated recent SuiteCRM Version Release Notes with the Install and Upgrade Guide to both 7 and 8 as well as the Migration Guide for SuiteCRM 8.


Important: This release includes critical security fixes, we strongly recommend users of older versions to update as soon as possible

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #298 - Add support for multi-module definitions

  • PR: 494 - Fix #493 - Improve Cache Clear Speed

  • PR: 489 - Fix #489 - Fix custom relate

  • PR: 488 - Fix #488 - Fix Some Search Styling

  • PR: 487 - Fix #487 - Overlapping Names on Relate Fields

  • PR: 486 - Fix #458 - Fix hard coded labels

  • PR: 485 - Fix #485 - Tasks Contact Relate Field Filtering by last name

  • PR: 461 - Fix #442 - Export not working

  • PR: 463 - Fix #463 - Email Opening new tab in Legacy View

  • PR: 484 - Feature #484 - new issue menu templates

  • PR: 10411 - Fix #10410 - Check report has been loaded before setting user params

  • PR: 9896 - Fix #9895 - Workflow - Copying Formatted values of a multienum to another field

  • PR: 9988 - Fix #9985 - Date end not stored correctly in Calls

  • PR: 10186 - Fix #10182 - Graphic Issue search view after 7.14 upgrade

  • PR: 9972 - Fix #9971 - Workflow - Add filters to quick and advanced search view in AOW Processed module

  • PR: 10322 - Fix #10321 - Creation of Project with Template Causes 500 Error

  • PR: 10328 - Fix #10327 - Survey Responses doesn’t get assigned_user after sending Survey

  • PR: 10375 - Fix #10375 - Upgradewizard double commit

  • PR: 10402 - Fix #10401, #10376 - PDF rendering issues

  • PR: 10409 - Fix #10409 - skip to last page if disable_count_query=true

  • PR: 10323 - Fix #10172 - Emails don’t show subject MIME headers

  • PR: 10389 - Fix #1872 - Admin - Install Module - "Back to Module Loader" shows page with header only

  • PR: 10424 - Fix #9213 - $discount_amount corrupted

  • PR: 10426 - Feature #10426 - new issue menu templates

  • Fix Default value not setting correctly on some fields.

  • Fix z-index on the useful bar.


We would love to have your feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 great for everyone.

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Special thanks to everyone who reported the security issues addressed in this release!

Emre Hampolat, Andrius Oželis

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue.

If you want to get involved and submit a fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit A PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Policy and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com


Released 03 April 2024

Release Notes


  • The install via UI documentation has been updated see here.


Pre-Install Check Page

A Pre-Install Check Page has been added. This page will show any system requirements that aren’t met before you proceed to the install process. More information can be found on the Install via UI documentation

Usability improvements
  • On ListView Filter Panel:

    • Hitting Enter will apply the currently defined criteria and the search.

    • When saving a filter, hitting Enter will save the filter and search.

  • On Record View: When creating/ editing records, hitting ctrl+Enter calls the record save.

2. Date fields will now show the pop-up calendar when click on the input like they do when the calendar icon is clicked.
3. Listview Column Resizing
  • In order to show more rows on the screen, the ListView column padding has been reduced and the column width has been set to dynamically adjust.

4. Enum component is now using regular dropdowns instead of the chips component
5. Relate field component has been re-implemented

SuiteCRM8 New Relate Field

6. MultiSelect field component has been re-implemented

SuiteCRM8 New MultiSelect Field

7. Recently Viewed added to navbar

Recently Viewed

8. Back to ListView button added to Record View
  • To make navigation easier SuiteCRM now includes a back to list view button. It redirects back to the module list view on the page the user was before.

Back Button

Mobile improvements
  • Navbar

    • New module navigation menu

    • Active module always displayed

    • Collapsible global search input

    • Better touch device support

    • Support for swapping between touch and click/hover

  • ListView

    • Bulk action menu dynamically re-adjusted according to screen-size

    • Table pagination dynamically re-adjusted according to screen-size

    • Bigger and collapsible line actions for touch support

    • Show Single column on small devices

    • Column sizes/padding adjusted for better display

    • Useful bar button dynamically re-adjusted according to screen-size

Mobile improvements

Bug Fixes

  • PR: Fix #433 - Password Expired after N logins not working

  • PR: Fix #384 - Street Address Single Line Only

  • PR: Fix #434 - Allow minus ints and floats

  • PR: Fix #332 - Bugs not creating from contacts subpanel

  • PR: Fix #418 - Undefined Index: post_install

  • PR: Fix #426 - Case Status Not Saving

  • PR: Fix #385 - Error Messages When Filtering Date Fields

  • PR: Fix #399 - Error on Date Component in Filter Mode

  • PR: Fix #409 - Exporting a Workflow Doesn’t work

  • PR: Fix #381 - Dynamic Dropdowns don’t appear to save

Known Issues
  • Usability adjustments on mobile devices still to be improved:

    • Click/touch swapping

    • Auto menu item closing after navigation

    • Improve support for long module names

  • MultiSelect fields with defaults values don’t save correctly

  • Load More Pagination keeps page index if changing from regular pagination mode to load more pagination


We would love to have your feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 great for everyone.

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue.

If you want to get involved and submit a fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit A PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Policy and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.