GitHub Issue & Pull Request Voting

Voting up GitHub Issues & Pull Requests

Voting up GitHub Issues and Pull Requests is an important way to contribute to the project. Voting helps us determine the key issues and priorities for future releases.

To vote for an Issue or Pull Requests:

  • Locate the Issue or Pull Requests

  • Click the Issue or Pull Requests title to view the issue

  • At the bottom left hand corner on the original description, click on the 'smiley' face

  • Choose the 'thumbs up' icon

'thumbs up' recorded on any other comments/notes will be disregarded and not counted.

Issue Voting Demo

You can equally remove your vote for an Issue or Pull Request by clicking the numbered 'thumbs up' icon on the original description.

Sort Issues or Pull Requests by Votes

To see the most popular issues or pull requests, you can filter to sort Issues or Pull Requests by voted up issues. To do so a list on GitHub you can either select the 'thumbs up' reaction in the 'Sort' selection or add following parameter to the filter


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