Add copy field action

1. Introduction

Field actions allow you to add custom action buttons next to fields in SuiteCRM.

The copy field action allows to copy the field value to the clipboard.

This guide will walk you through the process of adding the copy field action to a field.

Copy Field Action Functionality Example

2.Logic Metadata definition

When making these changes be sure to make them in the custom directory, ie: 'public/legacy/custom/modules/<module>/…​'

The first thing to define is the fieldActions entry in the metadata. This is where the action buttons for fields are defined.

The configuration for the actions can be added only to detailviewdefs.php.

In the following example we are going to add them to the Accounts module detailviewdefs.php.

2.1 Steps to add the actions on the custom detailviewdefs.php

  1. Copy the core Accounts detailviewdefs.php to the custom folder:

    1. From: public/legacy/modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

    2. To: public/legacy/custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

  2. Add a new entry for your custom action button on the custom detailviewdefs.php with the code on the snippet below

    • Re-set permissions if needed (will depend on your setup)

  3. Run Repair and Rebuild on Admin menu

2.2 Action definition

The following is definition yoy need to add in order to the action to display

    'name' => 'website',
    'type' => 'link',
    'label' => 'LBL_WEBSITE',
    'displayParams' => [
        'link_target' => '_blank',
    'fieldActions' => [
        'klass' => '',
        'containerKlass' => 'd-flex align-items-center',
        'position' => 'inline',
        'actions' => [
            'copy-field' => [
                'key' => 'copy',
                'labelKey' => 'LBL_COPY',
                'modes' => ['edit'],
                'klass' => [' btn btn-sm btn-secondary p-1 m-0 ml-1'],
                'params' => [
                    'expanded' => true

3. Properties Description

  • Key

    • The key within the named actions array is stating which action type will be used for the following. In this case it’s copy.

  • Modes

    • Modes are views you would like your required action to take effect on, as shown above it will be edit.

  • Icon

    • If desired to have a icon button instead of a labelled-key button, this option can be used.

  • Klass

    • 'klass' can be customized to style the action button. The 'klass' where the out of action object is to customize buttons as a whole.

  • Param

    • 'params' can configure the action button.

  • Container Klass

    • 'containerKlass' can be customized to style for all action buttons.

  • Position

    • 'position' can customize the position of the action button in respect to it respective field. (e.g. position: inline or vertical)

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