Upgrading from SuiteCRM 8.0.x to 8.1.x versions

This section only applies for versions greater than 8.0.0-rc to 8.1.x

1. Download the new version package

For upgrading between SuiteCRM 8.x versions there aren’t any upgrade specific packages. The upgrade is done using the installation package of the version we want to upgrade to.

1.1. Create the following folder on you current instance:

  • <your-suitecrm-8-root-folder>/tmp/package/upgrade

1.2. Download the SuiteCRM 8 target version installable package from https://suitecrm.com/download/

1.3. Place the package on the <your-suitecrm-8-root-folder>/tmp/package/upgrade folder

3. Run the upgrade command

3.1. On your SuiteCRM 8 instance root run: ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade -t "<version>", where <version> is the name on the SuiteCRM 8 package you’ve downloaded, i.e. SuiteCRM-8.1.2:

./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade -t SuiteCRM-8.1.2

3.2. Re-set the correct permissions

4. Open your instance

If all the above steps went as expected, you should now be able to login into your instance.

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